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The Dalton/Whitfield Family Connection collaborated with the Women’s Enrichment Center to offer specialized classes for WEC clients focused on the Five Basics Principles. Fourteen mothers and their children embraced this opportunity, participating in a three-week learning series together!

Formal public education typically begins for most children at ages 4 to 6, which means that parents and caregivers serve as a child’s first teachers. Research indicates that by the age of five, 90% of a child’s brain development occurs, often before they enter elementary school. One of the most effective ways to enhance this crucial stage of early brain development is by equipping parents with knowledge about child development and practical strategies to engage with their children.

In the WEC Classes, we implemented a two-generational approach, creating a supportive environment for mothers and their children to explore the Basics Principles. These principles consist of five science-backed parenting strategies that foster the social, emotional, and cognitive growth of young children. The Five Basics Strategies are: 1) Maximizing Love & Managing Stress, 2) Talking, Singing, & Pointing, 3) Counting, Grouping & Comparing, 4) Exploring Through Movement & Play, and 5) Reading & Discussing Stories.

The Family Connection Coordinator launched the Basics Series by emphasizing the significance of Maximizing Love & Managing Stress. Kathi Frankel from Bear with Me Family Physical Therapy assisted with the first class.

Kathi Frankel, Pediatric Physical Therapist


Kathi collaborated by demonstrating the capacity for babies to share attention and the importance of being sensitive to their on and off cues. The mothers really leaned into the importance of play and following in to their babies level of interest in an activity.  We also explored self-care and self-regulation for mothers, offering strategies to navigate stressful situations.

The next class centered on children’s language and literacy development, combining the Basics Principles of Talking, Singing & Pointing with Reading and Discussing Stories, as both promote language growth and early literacy skills. The final session focused on Counting, Grouping & Comparing alongside Exploring Through Movement & Play, which facilitate mathematical concepts and support tactile and kinesthetic skill development.

Mothers who completed the three-week course not only earned credit to shop at the Women’s Enrichment Store, but also received Sharing is Caring certificates for Christmas Assistance for their children. The United Way of NWGA generously provided books and additional resources for each mother, including enrollment in the Basic Insights Weekly Text Messaging service to continue their education on the Basics.  Renee Rector, WEC Executive Director, said of the partnership, “We love collaborating with community partners to serve our clients.  The Family Connection Basics’ classes were an excellent source of practical information for our moms to implement with their children.  Thanks Family Connection for providing these for us!”  For more information about the Women’s Enrichment Center or their services visit their website at

If any other agencies are interested in learning more about the Basics, they can contact Malisa Pedro, the Dalton/Whitfield Family Connection Coordinator.